Cole, George Douglas Howard
Economista inglese (Cambridge 1889-Londra 1959). Reader all’univ. di Oxford dal 1925 al 1944 e presidente della Fabian society dal 1939 al 1946 e dal 1948 al 1950, scrisse numerosi studi di storia e politica economica: Principles of economic planning (1935), British working class politics 1832-1914 (1941), Money, its present and future (1944; 3a ed. 1951), A short history of British working class movement, 1783-1947 2a ed. 1947; trad. it. 1965), Introduction to economic history (1952; trad. it. 1961), Introduction to trade unionism (1954), Marxism and anarchism 1850-90 (1954), Post-war condition of Britain (1956). Di particolare importanza, la vasta History of socialist thought (5 voll., 1953-60; trad. it. 1967-69).