Lo sviluppo dei linfociti
Fritz Melchers
(Basel lnstitute for lmmunology Basilea, Svizzera)
I linfociti derivano, durante lo sviluppo embrionale, dalla cellula staminale ematopoietica pluriPotente che [...] control of Iymphoid development: lessons from gene targeting. Immunol. Today, 17, 336-343.
COUTINHO, A., FREITAS, A.A., HOLMBERG, D., GRANDIEN, A. (1992) Expression and selection of muri ne antibody repertoires. Int. Rev. Immunol., 8, 173-187 ...
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Olimpiadi - Repertorio: OLIMPIADI ESTIVE
ATENE 1896
100 m maschile
1. Thomas Burke USA
2. Fritz Hofmann GER
3. Frank Lane USA
3. Alojz Sokol HUN
400 m maschile
1. Thomas [...] . Xu Yanmei CHN
2. Michele Mitchell USA
3. Wendy Lian Williams USA
finn maschile
1. José Luis Doreste ESP
2. Peter Holmberg ISV
3. John Cutler NZL
470 maschile
1. Thierry Peponnet e Luc Pillot FRA
2. Tönu Töniste e Toomas Töniste URS
3 ...
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