La scienza bizantina e latina: la nascita di una scienza europea. Le arti meccaniche
Robert Halleux
Emmanuel Poulle
Christian Meyer
Baudouin van den Abeele
Le arti meccaniche
Le conoscenze tecniche [...] artof the British Museum, Sir J. Findlay, Mr. S. V. Hoffman, the Mensin collection, and in other public and private collections, Oxford, The University Press, 1932, 2 v.
Hall 1976: On pre-modern technology and science. A volume of studies in honor of ...
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La falsificazione in archeologia
Licia Vlad Borrelli
Isabella Damiani
Filippo Salviati
Giovanna Antongini
Tito Spini
Claude-François Baudez
Guido Devoto
I falsi archeologici
di Licia Vlad Borrelli
Per [...] bronzeo del Metropolitan Museum di New York, pp. 756-59; G. Isnard, Faux et imitation dans l'art, Paris 1959- 60; D. Mustilli, s.v. Falsificazione, Salviati, Archaic Jades, Modern Fakes: Problems and Solutions, in Arts of Pacific Asia Show, New ...
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